Hotel Sovestro in San Gimignano

Just 2 km far from the famous towers of San Gimignano

Rooms in hotel San Gimignano

All rooms at hotel have free wi-fi and either a small private garden overlooking one of the hotel's pools or a private balcony overlooking the Tuscan countryside that surrounds the building.

More about the hotel rooms

Among the most appreciated services





Restaurant and breakfast with products for celiacs




«Home Away from Home»

We, like a lot of other guests, return annually because this hotel has it all. Sergio and all the staff are so welcoming, and they make it feel like your home away from home. The large pool is a quiet oasis after a busy day of sightseeing. It’s fun to have drinks out by the pool and visit with other guests

The perfect starting point to discover the wonders of Tuscany

Stay with us... from here you can easily reach the major artistic centers of the region and discover the Tuscan food and wine tradition

Things to do near San Gimignano

Tuscany, land of hills, on whose heights perched towns rise and of valleys made of yellow wheat and green vineyards.



Tuscany is a treasure of artistic beauties of great charming and many are those,who have chosen this Destination just for this reason. Museums and Art Exhibitions of our area are really a lot. We include some of them, where you can also buy
Excursions and guided tours

Excursions and guided tours

Discover San Gimignano and the nature that surrounds it by making outdoor experiences with an expert hiking and tourist guide!
Here are a couple of proposals by Erica Masini: 
- the Via Francigena, the

Tastings and Food

Tastings and Food

A tasty way to get to know Tuscany is certainly its cuisine.
We can help you organize cooking lessons, visits to the cellar and wine tasting, cheese tasting and a visit to a cheese

The bike.... to discover the Chianti area, Valdelsa area and Valdera area

The bike.... to discover the Chianti area, Valdelsa area and Valdera area

Together with Daniele Righi, a professional cyclist, you can organize a day on a racing bike routes towards the hills of Chianti: you work out and enjoy the beauty of Tuscany by cycling.

Routes from 50 to



Tuscan cuisine is simple and tasty. Learning how to make the dishes you tasted for the first time while you were on holiday in Tuscany gives you the chance to take back home the flavors of this experience and recall your Tuscan memories anytime

Bike and E-bike rental

Bike and E-bike rental

The Tuscan countryside is beautiful to discover by bike, but... it's not exactly a flat route.
For this reason, at the reception of our hotel in San Gimignano you can get information and organize the rental of

Partner My Tuscan Experience